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Rock Art ordered by the Great Cyrus in Inscriptio, Esfahan. This Rock Art shows the 23 Countries that were under Cyrus's hand. They were: Aras, Khvzya (Khuzestan), Babylon ,Egypt Arbabyh (Arabic), Ionian (Greece), Arminia (Armenia) and ...
Hakhamaneshian had lots of phenomena and mementoes. They were so talented and most of their mementoes etc. are on stones. Having pheonomena and mementoes is so important , because in future we can study them and learn about them.

Farvahar or Froohar symbol is one the best known Zoroastrianism symbol that represt the Iranian nation. In the ancient history this symbol ment to be a part of Zoroastrianism faith. This ment a symbol of kindness or something similer to that. Hakhamaneshian kings and enginiers used this symbol in their archtictures and phenomena a lot.

Cyrus Cylinder was built in 538 BC out of baked clay. This cylinder is written in akkadian cuneiform script. This was found in Babylon, in the Marduk's shrine by Hormuz- Rassam in March 1879. This cylinder is currently in the British museum, London. This cylinder is about Cyrus life, laws, events and more... The first part of this cylinder is broken and it has around 35 lines. The second part of the collection that was found, was round 36 to 45 lines. In a collage, in Babylon, professors says the the cylinder is around 45 lines, a small broken part is estimated to be 3 lines and is not yet found. This is a really epic, incredible and important phenomenon.
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