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Clothes and Language
Ancient Iran's clothes had a really good quality fabrics such as silk. They were so colourful, bright, fantastic and pretty. Males cloths were divided into 5 groups, but in general they wore long colourful gowns with a short cape on their shoulders, plus with a thick headband on their head. They would also tie a belt around their belly. In their weddings, it was similar to their normal clothes, but they had a better quality and were more expensive. In battles and fights, they wore special soldiers uniforms. They would usually wear a light gown and then an armour on it. They would also had a belt that had a spot for swords and other weapons. Kings would also have a similar clothes to the normal clothes, but obviously they had a better fabric plus they were more colourful and beautiful. They also wore lots of jewellery.
Female clothes were a little different. They wore blouses with long skirts. They were colourful and simple. They also wore hats, shawls or headbands on their heads. They tuck their blouses into their skirts. Females wore lots of jewellery too. In their weddings they wore long white dresses with a beautiful tour with a crown on their head, but they were so simple. Their queens had long colourful dresses with the best fabric available Their dresses were designed with stones and other decorations. Queens also had a tour or a shawl on their head with a crown.

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