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The Golden Liom Cup
The very first roads
In the order of Darius, they built some roads in the city. They said that roads are the most important relations between the cities and villages. The biggest and the longest road called the King Road.In the some main roads, the also built some places that were called Chaparkhaneh. Chaparkhaneh was a place that some travellers could stop and rest. They also take care of their animals like horses and fed the. It was a really big invention.
In the ancient times, buying and selling stuff was so hard, so king Darius though about different way to invent something that everyone can use it. He decided to invent they very first coins. He ordered to build them from gold. Coins were light, valuable and easy to cary, so it was a really important invention.
King Darius ordered to build a golden lion cups only for royals and kings. They drank wines and drinks in it, only ordered people could use it. This inventions are still kept in museums.
Pasdaran Army
Suez Canal (Darius Canal)

Immortal Army

The Immortal Army was created by the great Darius. They named it Immortal because when ever a soldier died, another young man would took his place. This army included a thousand of soldiers that divided into groups of ten. One of their massive war was the Greco-Persian Wars. This army was invented in 465 BC. Hakhamaneshian Empire had it's own army when no other empire had one. This was one of the strongest army that world had ever known.
The Suez canal is created by humans that connect the Mediterranean sea to the Suez's Golf and to the Red sea. When the great Darius wanted to expand and connect his kingdom, he tried lots of different ways and at last he discovered the canal. He realized how important was the water relation between Iran and Egypt was, so at the begging of the 6th century, he ordered to build a canal that connect the Red sea and the Mediterranean- Sea to the Nile River. He did this because then the trading would be easier. In summer 512 BC, Darius had enough information form Scolex to start bulding his canal. Scolex said that Pharaoh Nekhv has started a small canal but he didn't finish it. King Darius's plan was to connect Egypt and the eastern and western shores to the Red Sea, in order to connect Iran to India. This canal is one of the biggest and the most important canal in the world.
When Darius I became king, his empire was so big and huge. His empire was from North America to Asia. Darius wanted to rule his kingdom perfectly so he decided to choose a strap for each city.This was a really good solution and it worked perfectly. Straps were the ruler of cities, that also got orders from the kings, so in a way they were the kings of the cities not the empire or the country. With the help of straps, Darius ruled is kingdom in peace, relaxation and with justice. Darius was a really smart and wise man.
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