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How did the empire begin?
Many years ago, a large group of people that were called Aryans, separated and split into 3 different groups: Mads, Parses and Parts. Mads created an empire that was called Median, but a man from the parse's group, that was called Hakhamansh, attacked and defeated them. In 705 BC, the great Cherish Cyrus, Hakhemanesh's grand son, establish the Hakhamanshian Empire. At the beginning, he attacked Babylon(Iraq), then Libya and at last Turkey. He expanded his kingdom from the Persian Golf through the Mediterranean Sea. He named his empire Hakhamaneshian because of his grandfather. A big secrete of his success in victories in battles and fights was that, he did it with kindness, wisdom and justice.

The great Cyrus
Hakhamaneshian flag
Farvahar in Persepolis
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