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The Kings Of Hakhamanehsian Empire
1. Cyrus(Koorosh):
2. Darius I:
3. Xerxes(Khashayar):
4. Artaxeres I(Ardeshir):

The great Cyrus was the first king of the Hakhamaneshian Empire. He was on of the few that deserves to be called great. He was also called as the king of the four corners of the world. He was born around 600 BC and he died in December 530 BC. Before he died he said to his people that when he died, don't put him in a coffin because he wanted to be buried in Iran's soil. They buried him in Mausoleum of Cyrus the Great, in Persepolis without a coffin. He ruled his kingdom between 559 to 529 BC. His father was Cambyses I and her mother was Mandana. His wife was Kasandan and he had five children, Cambyses, Bardia, Atoosa, Rtystvn and Roxana. In 1971, the United Nations translated Cyrus Cylinder in international languages and placed it in NewYork. He was one the greatest king that Iran have ever had.
The Great Darius was the third king of the Hakhamaneshikan Empire. Cyrus was his father-in-la. He was born in September 522 BC in Iran and died in 486 BC in Iran. They buried him in Naqsh-e Rustam. His mother was Rhodogune and his father was Hystaspes. He married Atoosa, daughter of Cyrus. His son was Xerxes. When he was ruling ancient Iran, much of West Asia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, parts of the Balkans(Bulgaria-Pannonia), portions of north and northeast Africa including Egypt (Mudrâya), eastern Libya, coastal Sudan, Eritrea, as well as most of Pakistan, the Aegean Islands and northern Greece and the Thrace-Macedonia were included in his empire. He was related to some holy books such as Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel, Haggai, and Zechariah. He invented lots of stuff like the very first roads and The Armies of Immortals. He was a great king.
Xerxes was the fourth king of Hakhamaneshian Empire, son of Darius. His mother was Atoosa, daughter of Cyrus. He was not the eldest son of Darius, but he was his eldest son from Atoosa. He married Amestris and he had 2 children, Artaxeres I and Amytis. He was born in 518 BC and died in 465 BC in Iran. He wasn't a good king like Cyrus and Darius, all he wanted was power. 480 BC king Xerxes built the most powerful army to attack Greece, and it was a big success. This was one of the great battles in Iran's history. Opposite of his father, he was not friendly with Babylon. He even ordered to meltdown the statue golden of Marduk. Few years later, Xerxes decided to again attack Greece. He spent four years of planing, buy advanced weapons and a strong group of armies. He was not a great king like his father.
Artaxeres I was the fifth king of the Hakhamaneshian Empire. He was the son of Xerxes and Amestris. He was born around 500 BC and died in 424 BC. He was the king of Persia between 465 to 424 BC. He is also buried in Naqsh-e-Rustam. He married Damaspya and had six children. His children were Xerxes II, Sghdyanvs, Darius 1II , Rsyts, Parvareshi and Bghhpayvs. His father-in-law Otanes wanted to kill him and his brothers, by his sons help. But his plan didn't work out and Artaxeres killed him and his sons. Between 460 and 454 BC, he faced an epic revolt led by Inaros II, prince of Libya, Egypt. Athens also help them in this revolt. After two years Egypt was defeated. He was a much better king than his father.
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